Even though it’s below freezing outside in Chicago, and all I want to do is hibernate under blankets and watch Netflix all day (do I HAVE to put the Christmas decorations away?!?), I am super excited to hit the ground running and set new goals for Heather Eatherton Photography for 2018.
I am very grateful for all my clients, and that I was able to have a busy & successful Fall season (which left me very little time to relax… or eat… or breathe…), but I am feeling refreshed & invigorated after decompressing over the entire month of December. I popped up just for a moment last week, to pull my favorite images from all my sessions in 2017, and am excited to share these collages of my newborns, milestones, seniors, families & more!
Over the next few weeks I’m going to be making over my website, my studio and my offerings, to bring some new, fun types of sessions to my clients. Winter is generally slow around these parts (except for those newborns, who come rain, snow, sleet or shine!), so it’s a great time to reflect and adapt to the changing (and ever growing) world of photography!
Stay tuned for exciting details to come, and Happy New Year!