Category Archives: Milestone Sessions

The Making of A Milestone Session

I recently received an inquiry from a nervous Mama who wanted to schedule a milestone session for her 1 year old, but was afraid that it wouldn’t go well because their son was very shy and *clingy to Mom* (boy do I remember those days!) Her call made me think of 2 different 1st year Milestone sessions I did back in the Spring of this year. TWO 1st birthday studio sessions scheduled on the SAME DAY. The first session was TWIN girls and the second was a little girl and her big sister (whoRead more »

6 Month Milestone Session | HEP Studio | Park Ridge, IL

Milestone Portrait Session | Park Ridge, IL | Chicago-Area Photographer Wow, it sure has been a long time since I’ve blogged about a session! I can’t think of a better time to jump back into it then to share photos from adorable Della’s 6 month milestone session, taken at my very own HEP studio. Most 6 month sessions are pretty tame, with baby just learning to sit on their own, and usually content to just be placed in various bowls and crates… but not Miss Della! ImagineRead more »

Chase & Jack Turn 1!

My two beautiful nephews were born just 6 weeks apart, and while I enjoyed all their early baby days, I have certainly been looking forward to this time right now! They are so curious and mobile, I just love to see them interact with one another. I couldn’t help myself when I saw these adorable (matching) outfits at Carter’s. I knew right then I wanted to photograph them together wearing them in an old red wagon… and that’s exactly what I did. This was a great time toRead more »